Dear Friends & Randoms,
To catch you up with the past events in my life, 1 month ago I departed from NYC & landed in LA due to a career opportunity. This is the reason why I haven't been able to update this glorious blog in along time. With that said, I am currently living in West Hollywood and loving it!
Since leaving NYC, I haven't been able to continue my healthy eating habit since it is pretty impossible to eat healthy when your moving, always on the go & don't know where the the nearest fucking super market is located! I finally had a free day today and decided to venture out to the grocery store(only 2 miles away, good one JJ) since I have never been in the whole month I been living in West Hollywood.
I was pretty impressed that they actually had a smaller cart available since when I normally have a big cart, the big cart makes me think that I need to fill his belly co capacity since and wants to be a bigger bad ass then the smaller cart.As you can see below, I choose the smaller cart but he didn't help me since I still spent $60 and my cart looked like I was a bum pushing his over loaded cart on the side of the street full of Pepsi cans and random dead body parts.
On a side note, there are way hotter chicks in LA grocery stores then NYC. I am pretty sure I saw a Pam Anderson & Jennifer Aniston look alike.